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Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goering in Wien, 1938
1938 Die Pause magazine with Hitler cover
Die Pause issue number 5 is filled with articles and pictures of Adolf Hitler’s historic state visit to Benito Mussolini, military exercises, the Foro Mussolini sport complex in Rome, and Italian art.

Other articles focus on the value of labor by farmers, engineers, craftsmen, metal workers, and labor scenes are pictured in medieval art.
1938 Hitler state visit to Mussolini
Die Pause issue number 6 contains very heavy photo coverage of the historic spring 1938 plebiscite and reunification of Austria with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany when 97% of Austrians approved! There are excerpts of speeches by Hitler, Gauleiter Josef Burckel and rare photos of the ceremonial events.
Die Pause magazine 1938 hardbound
Hitler Reichsparteitag 1938
Nazi eagle and swastika decoration Nuremberg
Albert Speer light show Nazi Party Days 1938
Other heavily illustrated articles are about new Nazi construction, for example the RLM or Nazi Air Ministry in Berlin, the Ordensburg Vogelsang and there is a striking picture of the Nazi eagle and swastika for the Vienna Parliament building by Professor Oskar Thiede (shown right).

Die Pause
issue 9 also has an interesting article about advances in German aviation technology.
Graz Trade Fair with swastika
Hitler in different cities in the liberated Sudetenland
Konrad Henlein, leader of the SdP
Die Pause magazine was by far the largest and most prestigious photo feature magazine published in Greater Germany’s second largest city, Wien (Vienna), by Vienna’s Vice-Mayor Ing. Hanns Blaschke. Blaschke was an early member of the Austrian Nazi Party (when it was still illegal) and was a member of the SS. With the Anschluss, in September 1938 he became the head of the newly created Kulturamt der Stadt Wien (Culture Office of the City of Vienna) and on 30 December 1943 Reichsstatthalter Baldur von Schirach named him Mayor of Vienna.
Il Duce Benito Mussolini with Adolf Hitler
German-Italian military exercises during Hitler's state visit to Italy
Benito Mussolini, Admiral Raeder
Wien Kunsthandwerk gobelin with Nazi eagle and swastika
Hitler; Goebbels; Vienna Town Hall 1938
Many of the pictures in Die Pause magazine are unique to this publication and are not found elsewhere. They include Hitler on the steps of the Vienna City Hall, Hitler greeting early Austrian Nazis and with citizens of Tyrol, Hitler and Heinrich Himmler in the city of Graz, Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Gauleiter Burckel, Wehrmacht soldiers in Vienna, etc., etc.
Leni Riefenstahl, Olympia
Die Pause, 1938 Reichsparteitag
Nazi Party Days Nuremberg, Nazi Standarte
Hitler, Nazi Blood Flag
1938 Nazi Party Days
Nazi Propaganda Minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels
before the arrival of the Nazi Wehrmacht in Graz
Nazi Propaganda Minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels
BdM girls in sports clothing
A second large and timely article in Heft 6 is titled “The Road to the Third Reich” which highlights the history and beauty of Greater Germany, and Austria’s cultural contributions to it over the years. Another heavily illustrated article is about the German Youth and shows HJ boys and BdM girls, and “Adolf Hitler’s Roads” highlights the Reichsautobahn which is called the “Artery of the German Nation and Witness of its Culture”
Right, Heft 5 of Die Pause has a photo of Leni Riefenstahl
accompanying an article about the filming
of her world-famous movie, Olympia.
Fuehrerbau Muenchen
Nazi Honor Temples Munich
This magazine also features Austrian artists and their work with full-page photos of artists accompanied by one full-page example of their work. Artists include Ernst Ludwig Uray, wearing a RKK pin and Nazi Party badge and Paul Peschke and Heinz Leinfellner, also photographed with a NSDAP Abzeichen on their lapel.
Foro Mussolini Rome
Above, one of several photos of the Foro Mussolini
sport complex in Rome in Issue 5 of Die Pause.
Olympia Nazi typewriter advertising
Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler in Rome
1938 SA book advertising
Heft 9 of Die Pause is the rare September issue with a Nazi Party Day cover and extensive content of the Reichsparteitag Großdeutschland. There are significant pictures of previous Nazi Party Days, new construction on the Nazi Party Day Grounds, Hitler, Himmler, Von Schirach, Hess, historical buildings in the city of Nuremberg, Albrecht Dürer art, etc.
Hitler and Himmler, Nazi Party Days 1938
SA, SS at Nazi Party Days
Nazi Wehrmacht review at the Reichsparteitag Grossdeutschland
Hess, Hitler, Von Schirach
Gute Arische Wiener Firmen, aryan business advertising
The 600+ pages in this custom hardbound, one-of-a kind book of Die Pause magazines contain incredibly historic Third Reich news and images! The content is amazing and very well-preserved. The book is in very good used condition with a tight spine and no odor.
Adolf Hitler freeway system
Above, one of the illustrations in Die Pause 1938 issue 6 accompanying the article about Adolf Hitler's freeway system.

This book is unique - you will never see another example offered for sale. We bought
it over 30 years ago and it belongs in a museum or reference library somewhere!

Fuehrerbau Muenchen Treppenhaus
Additional articles cover Christmas in Germany and the German family, accompanied by a full-page photo of Hermann and Emmy Goering with their baby Edda (below). Another photo feature highlights the Führerbau in Munich with many interior pictures (above, left).
Hermann and Emmy Goering with their baby Edda
the Aryan German family
Die Pause issue number 7 covers a “road trip” through Austria with chapters on each Nazi Gau. Each Gau chapter is introduced by its Gauleiter, for example Bürckel, Jury, Eigruber, Hofer and Uiberreither of Gaue such as Vienna, Salzburg, Tirol, Carinthia, Styria, etc.

Heft 7 also contains a big heavily illustrated article about the Nazi Theater Festival in Vienna attended by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. It is accompanied by a Goebbels quote and a full-page portrait of the Nazi Propaganda Minister.
Die Pause Jahrgang 3 heft 8
Die Pause issue number 8 has a striking image of a female fencer on its cover. The magazine opens with coverage about KdF cruises and Strength Through Joy cruise ships. Other articles are about the importance of good health and healthy families for the future of Germany (accompanied by pictures of Aryan girls, HJ boys and BdM girls), the 1938 Salzburg Music Festival and the Day of German Art in Munich with many pictures of Nazi Strassenschmuck. Graz, Die Stadt der Volkserhebung or "The City of the People's Insurrection" is also described and shown.
Day of German Art in Munich
Jewish grocery store Julius Meinl 1938 advertising
Above, advertising by Julius Meinl, importer and distributor of coffee, tea and other food items. The Meinl family was Jewish but the company prospered under the Nazis with Julius Meinl II at the helm, expanding its retail reach, supplying food to the government and armed forces of Grossdeutschland. The company is still in business today.
Aryan German women
3. Reich Hakenkreuzschmuck
Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung 1938 im Haus der Deutschen Kunst zu München
Austrian National Socialists, Nazi swastika flags
Führerbau München
The last 1938 issue of Die Pause in this book is Heft 11/12 which starts with a monthly calendar for 1939. Each month on a beautifully illustrated page, and the Hitler birth month of April is accompanied by a full-page photo of the Führer, Adolf Hitler.
Reichsparteitag Haupttribune Hakenkreuz
Nazi tanks
Reichsparteitaggelaende 1938
Professor Oskar Thiede Nazi eagle for Vienna Parliament building
Die Pause Heft 10, 1938 Sudetenland
Die Pause issue number 10 covers the liberation of the Sudetenland and the end of Czechoslovakia as a country. The cover (above) has a striking image of a Sudetenland border marker coming down and the magazine has heavy photo coverage of Hitler in different cities in the liberated Sudetenland, Wehrmacht troops in the Sudetenland, NSV field kitchens feeding local populations, etc.
Sudetenland Nazi Party, SdP
Other heavily illustrated articles highlight former Czech provinces like Bohemia, Egerland and the Erzgebirge and their art, industries, population and landscape.
WHW Nazi charity collections
Wien Kunsthandwerk or Viennese arts and crafts features the work of Viennese artists using ceramics, wood, glass, lace, iron, silver, including a Gobelin tapestry with a large eagle and swastika in the center. Another article is about the rebuilt Raimund Theater in Vienna and yet another is about the Architecture and Artisan Exhibition in Munich.
Berndorf silverware
These 1938 Die Pause magazines contain advertising by Norddeutsche Lloyd cruises, Philips, NSV, WHW, Continental, Völkischer Beobachter, Steyr, Opel, Ronacher Varieté theater, IG Farben’s Indanthren, Bleyle, Femina Revue, Dr. Oetker, Julius Meinl, Berndorf silverware, Maggi, Pelikan pens, as well as various banks, insurance companies, jewelry and furniture stores.

Shown below is advertising by stores in Vienna that wanted to make sure their customers were aware of their Aryan background. Note the header, Gute Arische Wiener Firmen!
Heinrich Hoffmann photo of Adolf Hitler and Konrad Henlein
1938 Steyr advertising in Die Pause
Nazi Strassenschmuck, Nazi eagle and swastika decorations
Graz, Die Stadt der Volkserhebung
Hitler endorses the Völkischer Beobachter
Above, advertising for the Vienna edition of Völkischer Beobachter containing an edorsement by Adolf Hitler.
IG Farben, Indanthren
Above, advertising by a Vienna store selling Indanthren
color fabrics, produced by IG Farben.
heroic Nazi art, Georg Kolbe Krieger-Ehrenmal Stralsund
adveertising for Nazi themed plaques, medallions, monuments
Above and left, advertising for Viennese manufacturers
of Nazi themed plaques, medallions
pins and swastika jewelry.
Nazi swastika flags in Graz
Below, a street scene in the city of Graz just before reunification of Austria with Nazi Germany.
Above, celebrations in Graz after the Anschluß.
Hitler, Hess, Reichsparteitag Nuernberg

Have a look at 1941 issues of Die Pause as well as other original Third Reich magazines for sale on  We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!

This 4+ pound hardbound book with 1938 issues of Die Pause magazine
is for sale for $495.00 plus postage (see options below).
USM book #1424

   • Add $13.95 for Priority Mail shipping with online tracking OR $8.95 for Media Mail.
   • IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $5.50.
   • We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
     responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire.
Right, a rare Heinrich Hoffmann photo of Adolf Hitler with the leader of the SdP (Sudeten German [Nazi] Party) Konrad Henlein. Henlein is also shown in the photo above.

This is a one-of-a-kind Third Reich book containing very rare Die Pause magazine issues 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11/12 of the year 1938. These are the eight most significant issues of the single most important upscale illustrated magazine published in Vienna (the second largest city in Nazi Germany) and all of Austria during the period of the Anschluß. They are bound into a unique 8-¼ x 11 inch hardcover book, nearly 2 inches thick which contains a whopping 616 heavily illustrated pages!

USM Rare Books & Third Reich collectibles