Original Nazi ear FILM Material for sale on USMBOOKS.com
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1937 Reichsfilmkammer Ausweis Reinhold Gerstenberg
The original 1937 membership identity document issued to movie actor Reinhold Gerstenberg, a member of the Fachschaft Film of the Nazi State Movie Chamber of the Reichskulturkammer (RKK or State Chamber of Culture):
1944 Reichsfilmkammer Fachgruppe Film Ausweis
A rare original RKK Reichsfilmkammer ID issued in 1944 to a man who owned
the Capitol movie theater in Dortmund which had 362 “police approved” seats.
movie stills Ohm Krueger
Original Third Reich movie stills with censor stamps - Ohm Krüger.
Promotional Nazi film brochures
A large selection of original Nazi era promotional movie brochures for UFA, Tobis, Arya
and Germania films such as Himmelhunde, Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub, Das Wunschkonzert, and even the highest grossing Third Reich movie Die Grosse Liebe starring Zarah Leander.
Mein Kampf film
German language film brochures for postwar movies about WW2 and the Third Reich.  
Includes Mein Kampf, the Desert Fox, a Golden Globe winning film and
the 1950 come-back film for Nazi movie star
Zarah Leander.
Sieg im Westen OKH film 1940
** SOLD **
A superb selection of genuine Third Reich posters:
Gaufilmstelle der NSDAP movie posters, HJ, WHW, etc.