Two 1938 Day of the Luftwaffe invitations and the formal dinner seating plan from
Nazi Air Minister Hermann Goering to Generalleutnant Friedrich Christiansen.
Unique and among the rarest of ephemera of the Third Reich! |
A rare illustrated early Third Reich book about aviation by Gerhard Fieseler,
World War I pilot, internationally famous 1930s daredevil stunt pilot, designer
of the Fieseler Storch, and founder of Gerhard Fieseler Werke in Kassel. |
Fliegt Mit!, a heavily illustrated, 272-page hardcover 1942 Nazi aviation book
produced to interest German boys in a career in aviation. |
"We Recap Aircraft Engine Production", an illustrated 1943 Nazi educational book
containing 1400 Questions and Answers about Airplane Engine
Technology, Materials, Labor and Technical Calculations. |
A lot of three rare late World War II Lehrbücher der Luftwaffe, heavily illustrated
technical manuals from the Technische Grundlehrbücher series produced for
German airplane painters, mechanics, assemblers and repairmen in 1944 and 1945. |
An in-depth, heavily illustrated 1938 German book on the history of aviation
with great pictures of military and civilian German aviation heroes,
early and modern airplanes, zeppelins, etc. |
A fine, heavily illustrated 328-page Nazi airplane maintenance handbook published
in 1941 - airplane instruments, propellors, towing lines, screws and rivets,
steering controls, hydraulic systems, levers and cranks, gasoline tanks,
temperature gauges, radio equipment and more - for service use only! |
The 1941 hardcover Luftwaffe photo book FLIEGERHORST OSTMARK (Air Base Austria) by Major Walther Urbanek covering in detail the deployment of Luftwaffe Südost and Luftgau XVII) - heavily illustrated and with its original dust jacket.
Freiwillige vor! Hinein in die Luftwaffe!, a heavily illustrated promotional book produced by the OKW in 1943 to interest young German men in joining the Luftwaffe. After WW2 it became part of the library of the Office of Military Government (OMGUS) in Berlin. |
Wir arbeiten bei Junkers, an especially rare original Heinrich Hoffmann
photo book produced for the famous airplane manufacturer
Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke in 1943. |
A rare heavily illustrated February 1943 issue of the technical Nazi aviation
magazine Der Flieger with a Me109 on the cover and a remarkably beautiful line-art center-spread of a three-quarter front view the Messerschmitt Jagdeinsitzer Me109. |
A very nice hardcover 1935 First Edition example of Mein Fliegerleben
(My Flying Life), a lively autobiography by famous World War I
flying ace Ernst Udet with great photo content. |
Two original heavily illustrated examples of Köhlers Flieger-Kalender, almanac-style aviation calendar books for the years 1941 (232 pages) and 1942 (224 pages). |
Deutsche Kämpfen in Spanien, an interesting 1939 Nazi book about the participation of volunteers of the German Condor Legion in Franco’s Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939, with maps and fine illustrations by Nazi dagger designer Paul Casberg. |
A 1943 Nazi book called 'The Eyes of the Army' written by a Fernaufklärer
who surveyed and photographed enemy targets and territory from the air
at low altitude in a Dornier Do 17 Luftwaffe reconnaissance airplane. |

Original English language editions of the Third Reich aviation
magazine Der Adler (The Eagle) - 1940 - 1944. |
A Hitler Youth photo book about the technical education of future members of the Luftwaffe called Die Jüngsten der Luftwaffe, a 1941 edition with its original dust jacket. |
Kriegsflugzeuge, an educational aviation booklet explaining and showing
different types of Nazi war airplanes (bombers, pursuit planes, reconnaissance
planes, sea planes, helicopters), the formation of the Luftwaffe, etc. |
A rare original two-sided March 1944 Newsmap for the Armed Forces poster
showing Luftwaffe uniforms and accessories in color - pilots, paratroopers,
Flak troops, Mountain Signal troops and more. |
Wegbereiter deutscher Luftgeltung, a fine illustrated 1941 Nazi book about
important trailblazers of German aviation, including Fieseler, Heinkel,
Hirth, Messerschmitt, Dornier and others - with many rare photos. |
Rare 1943 OKW photo history of the
Nazi air victory in western Europe in 1940. |
Luftmacht Deutschland, the Air Might of Germany - Air Force, Industry,
Air Travel -
superb Nazi aviation photo book from 1941 with fold-out maps. |
A lot of sixteen 1943 and 1944 issues of Die Weite Welt (The Wide World),
photo magazines published to inform Luftwaffe personnel on history,
science, and culture in countries all over the world, including the United States. |
A lot of six heavily illustrated 1942-1943-1944 Nazi aviation magazines with superb
photo content, technical information and research relating to WW2, Luftwaffe
promotions and deaths, even a photo of USAAF pilot Ken Williams wearing his
Murder Inc. A2 jacket and listing his home street address in Charlotte, NC! |
An original brochure requesting entries in the Lilienthal Association for Aviation
Research 1942 Nazi aviation competition. Aryan applicants only! |
Schwert am Himmel (Sword in the Sky), a 1940 Nazi photo book about
the Luftwaffe,
the Nazi Air Force and all their achievements during
the last five years.
SUPERB photo content! |
Rare Christmas 1935 Berlin-Gatow Luftkriegsschule illustrated satirical book
for Luftwaffe Officers in training at the Nazi War Academy west of Berlin |
"Aerial Photos and Maps", Volume 1 of a rare serial numbered folio of 13 glossy
photographs produced by the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (the Nazi Air Ministry
in Berlin) to teach members of the Wehrmacht to read Luftbilder or aerial photos. |
"Shadows, Traffic and Industrial Facilities", Volume 3 of a rare serial numbered folio
of 10 glossy photographs produced by the RLM (the Nazi Air Ministryin Berlin)
teach members of the Wehrmacht to read Luftbilder or aerial photos. |
A large selection of 100% original late 1920s and Third Reich
Zeppelin postcards - unused and mailed (even to America). |
Immelmann der Adler von Lille, a fine 1934 book about famous World War I Ace
Max Immelmann, the first aviator to win the Pour le Mérite, and who was credited
with 15 aerial victories before his untimely death on 18 June 1916 in France. |
All twelve 1939 issues of DER LUFTSCHUTZ, a very interesting, heavily illustrated
Nazi magazine with articles about air raid protection, aviation and aviation
equipment, HARDBOUND in a book - complete. |
The Nazi photo book Soldaten fallen vom Himmel about the training and action of
Luftwaffe paratroopers, written by a Fallschirmjäger Battalion Commander
- superb photo content. |
An original Third Reich booklet outlining the (compulsory) health insurance obligations
and benefits for Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke employees in the year 1938. |
A rare illustrated book about the early days of German aviation by
Oberst Willi Polte, a WW1 and early Lufthansa pilot and aviation pioneer. |
A very heavily illustrated Third Reich military aircraft recognition
book - Luftwaffe and foreign airplanes. |
A large selection of heavily illustrated Luftwaffe almanacs,
handbooks, calendars - 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1944. |
Four original wartime photo magazines called Heimat: Ein Feldpostbrief
der Luftwaffe published by the NS Political Leadership within the Air Force. |
A selection of original Third Reich plans for model airplanes. |
The Non-Commissioned Officer in Flak Units -
a superb 1940 illustrated Flak unit handbook. |
Shell Führer für Flieger, a 1936 book containing a lot
of hard-to-find Third Reich aviation information. |
A rare Third Reich book called HANDBUCH FÜR FLIEGER
published by Standard Oil of Hamburg, Germany in 1936. |