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USMBOOKS Original Third Reich Ephemera
1938 Tag der Luftwaffe Goering, Christiansen lot
Two 1938 Day of the Luftwaffe invitations from Nazi Air Minister Hermann Goering to Generalleutnant Friedrich Christiansen, plus the seating plan for the formal dinner on 1 March 1938. Unique and among the rarest of ephemera of the Third Reich!
patriotic NSDAP sympathy card
An original patriotic World War II sympathy card that was designed to be sent to the family of a fallen Wehrmacht soldier by ranking members of the local Nazi Party.
HJ and NSDAP ephemera from WW2
An original Third Reich two-piece World War II Hitler Youth and Nazi Party
ephemera lot.
Männer tragen Seide, Gildemeister & Ries Bremen
“Men wear Silk”, a fine oversized late 1930s color sales catalog for pricey silk
clothing by the old German trading company Gildemeister & Ries of Bremen.
Nazi catalog Frese aftermarket car parts and accessories
A fine original, beautifully illustrated automotive aftermarket parts
and accessories catalog published by the Frese company in 1935.
1937 Ehren-Urkunde Turn- und Sportgemeinschaft 1861 eV Ludwigshafen am Rhein
A striking original 1937 Honor Certificate awarded to the First Prize winner
in the heavy-weight class Rings of the NSDAP District Championship
at Ludwigshafen am Rhein.
Nazi ration certificate from the Lord Mayor Munich, Karl Fiehler
A rare ration certificate issued by the Lord Mayor of Munich, Karl Fiehler's Nutrition Office Department B, good for 250 grams of sugar and 100 grams of marmalade
Nazi Wehrmacht soldier  railway tickets
Two different types of original German railway tickets issued in 1942 and 1944
to World War II Wehrmacht soldiers.
Das deutsche Führerbuch by Reinhold Conrad Muschler
A rare original 90+ year old Nazi broadside advertisement for the 1933 book Das
deutsche Führerbuch
by staunch Nazi author R. Conrad Muschler. The book ended
up on the list of “Rejected Literature” in the Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany.
HJ marschiert, 1933 Nazi book advertising catalog
A rare original illustrated 1933 Nazi book advertising catalog with Dr. Joseph
Goebbels quote and unused order form. It prominently features the new
Hitler Youth book HJ marschiert! and a picture of Adolf Hitler and
Ernst Röhm promoting another new German book.
The 1942 graduation certificate of examination for a paralegal, issued by the DAF.
Nazi model ship plans, Kriegsmarine approved
A rare World War II Kriegsmarine approved ship model plan for
a Scharpie-Beiboot ‘Dingi’ - complete and unused.
IG Farben corporate share certificate 1940
Rare, 100% original Third Reich corporate shares of 100, 200 and 1000
issued by I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft of Frankfurt
am Main. Unusual pieces of authentic Third Reich history
1937 Jahrbuch der nationalsozialistischen Wirtschaft
Original 1937 book advertising for the Yearbook of the National Socialist Economy
published by Nazi Party Publishing House Franz Eher Nachfolger of Munich,
with an original unused order form
Berlin phone book
Original 1941 Berlin phone book and rare supplements.
1942 Nazi death announcement decorated Gebirgsjaeger
An original World War II German photo portrait and memorial death
announcement of a decorated 22 year old Gebirgsjäger from Bavaria.
1945 Nazi death announcement Luftwaffe Feldwebel
The formal announcement by the Munich family of Luftwaffe Feldwebel Rupprecht Wiedemann who died in January 1945 during the Wehrmacht retreat in East Prussia.
Nazi death announcement 3 killed Wehrmacht sons
An original 4-panel announcement by the Webinger family announcing the death of
their three sons serving in the Wehrmacht on the East Front during World War II.
1937 Nazi Alba binocular advertising, ALBA-Prismenglas
A rare illustrated piece of Third Reich adverting for ALBA-Prismenglas,
high-quality binoculars manufactured by Alba A. Braun & Co. of Augsburg.
Deutscher Sozialismus, Nazi election propaganda
A rare heavily illustrated 33 inch long Nazi fold-out publication about increased
opportunity and prosperity for all German citizens since 1933, printed to
urge Austrians to vote for reunification with Hitler’s Germany in 1938.
high-level Nazi correspondence 1941
Two 100% original high-level Nazi government letters dated 16 April 1941
and 8 May 1941 relating to Organisation Todt, the Reichsautobahn
and the Wehrmacht invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941.
Spargut ist Volksgut, Schriften an der Sparer
Spargut ist Volksgut, a rare promotional Nazi publication urging German citizens
to save money, showing belief in the future of Nazi Germany
'under the strong leadership of Volkskanzler Adolf Hitler'.
Nazi People's Radio user manual
Illustrated user instructions for the Nazi People's Radio,
Volksempfänger models VE 301 Dyn W and Dyn GW produced in 1938.
Original 1944 receipt for final gas payment in Reichshauptstadt Berlin.
1938 Preussisch-Süddeutschen Klassenlotterie advertising order form
A rare original Preussisch-Süddeutschen Klassenlotterie advertising order form,
never used to purchase lottery tickets during the fall of 1938.
Somebody missed out on winning 67+ million Reichsmarks!
A rare Nazi sales brochure advertising the Illustrierter Beobachter Special Edition
called Unser Führer published for Hitler's 50th birthday - with original order form
Anzeigen-Beilage Festschrift Salzburger Festspiele 1938, ALA
A rare original, heavily illustrated advertising supplement to the official program
of the famous Salzburg Music Festival in 1938, produced by Nazi Party
owned advertising giant ALA - one of only 15,000 printed!
NSDAP Gauhaus Nurnberg, Gauschatzmeister
A 100% original Third Reich envelope for mail to the Gauschatzmeister or
treasurer of NSDAP Gau Franken at the Gauhaus on Schlageterplatz 5 i
n Nürnberg, the City of Nazi Party Days
Original Third Reich color WHW labels that could be glued or taped to the
door or window of a home or business to show that a donation had
been made to a Winterhilfswerk Nazi charity collection.
Deutsches Museum Munich 1938 evening program
A high-quality program for a May 1938 evening event at the famous Deutsches
in Munich, Capital of the Nazi Movement, featuring speeches by Lord
Mayor Karl Fiehler and Nazi Minister of Transport Dr. Julius Dorpmüller.
Nazi wine advertising 1933 and 1939
Original 1933 advertising in the shape of a wine crate from a wine company in Koblenz and a 1939 direct mail catalog for Rhine and Mosel wines, complete with order postcards.
anti-Jewish THird Reich PAROLE DER WOCHE
Parole der Woche, rare anti-Jewish, anti-British, anti-American, pro-German
mini propaganda posters - miscellaneous lots to choose from, reasonably priced!
Nazi encyclopedic dictionaries, Der Grosse Brockhaus


Original Third Reich advertising and a pre-publication offer for the 20-volume,
new and expanded set of the fine German encyclopedic dictionaries
Der Grosse Brockhaus
, complete with order form!
Nazi era IG Farben partial debentures
A variety of 100% original Third Reich partial debenture certificates issued
by I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft of Frankfurt am Main
before and during World War II.
Reichsgau Wien
Reichstatthalter Wien notice from 1942 of legal proceedings against
a city engineer who was accused of not being an ardent Nazi!
Mannesmannröhren-Werke corporate share certificate
A fine original Mannesmannröhren-Werke corporate share certificate of
600 Reichsmarks issued by the huge German metal pipe and tube producer
and Nazi government contractor in Düsseldorf in January 1938.
Karl Holz, Nuernberg Aufruf 1945
An extremely rare, 100% original Nazi poster dated 14 April 1945, a "Call to Arms”
for Wehrmacht and Volkssturm men by Gauleiter Karl Holz, the Nazi
Defense Commissioner Gau Franken, to defend the city of Nuremberg
Hitler rally Nuremberg announcement poster
A lot of three replica posters announcing early National Socialist rallies
with Adolf Hitler as the speaker, arranged in Nürnberg by Julius Streicher.
1940 Nazi patent Richard Raupach Maschinenfabrik Görlitz GmbH
An original 6-panel Nazi patent document for an extruding press issued on
13 January 1940 by the Deutsches Reich Reichspatentamt in Berlin to
Richard Raupach Maschinenfabrik Görlitz GmbH.
Nazi model plans U-Boot
Original, unused 1939 plans and step-by-step instructions to build floatable
motorized wooden models - Nazi submarine, destroyer and heavy cruiser.
Professor Dipl.-Ing. Albert Speer business card
The business card of architect Professor Dipl.-Ing. Albert Speer, the son of
Adolf Hitler’s favorite architect, General Building Inspector for Berlin
and Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production, Albert Speer.
General Eugen von Falkenhayn
The rare historical official family announcement of the death of Prussian General and Pour Le Mérite recipient Eugen von Falkenhayn, whose family included General Erich von Falkenhayn, Auguste-Viktoria Countess von Bismarck Bohlen, Fieldmarshal Fedor von Bock, Henning von Tresckow and a granddaughter who was the wife of Wernher von Braun!
S. Frank & Co. Nachfolger KG
Original heavily illustrated 32-page Third Reich catalog for enamel tableware,
pots and pans produced by  S. Frank & Co.  in Munich.
1935 Nazi condolence letter lot, DDAC, Daimler-Benz
Three Nazi condolence letters sent to Frau Klara Bohle, the widow of well-liked
DDAC Director Heinrich Bohle of Mannheim who died in July 1935.
Heavily illustrated  Third Reich color advertising for Neophan sunglasses
and special lenses for motorists (endorsed by Dr. Porsche!).
1940 KdF concert announcement, a postcard from Himmler’s Reichsstelle für Sippenforschung in Berlin, a 1941 Heidelberg police directive, charity collection receipts, KdF Norway cruise daily programs, war-time cigarette ration cards, a 1943 funeral invitation and more.
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VDA prints Himmler, Hitler, Goering, Hess
A large assortment of  original VDA (National League for the Promotion of Germanism Abroad) color prints of Nazi personalities many of them featuring art by Wolf Willrich.
Reichsschule für Ausbildungsleiter des Amtes für Berufserziehung und Betriebsführung
An original March 1939 declaration by the DAF that Nazi Party member Bauer participated and completed a course at the Nazi State School for Management Training.
ROMMEL 1944 death announcement
Replica reprints of both the cards given out at the funeral of Nazi Field Marshal
Rommel and the cards mailed to those who had sent their condolences
to the family of the late General in October 1944
1941 issues of GERMANY CALLING
Two rare original 1941 issues of GERMANY CALLING, the English language Nazi Radio Program for the USA published by the German Library of Information in New York City.
A rare WW2 ephemera lot of a Nazi Unteroffizier captured by the American Army
in 1944 and who became a POW in the USA and England until 1946.
The heavily illustrated 1939 sales catalog of Klepper Werke of Kufstein
featuring their extentive line of foul weather clothing.
A selection of Third Reich plans for model rockets, airplane and Kriegsmarine ships.
Nazi Fahne
Die Fahne hoch!, the Nazi 'anthem' beautifully printed
during the Third Reich in an oak leaf wreath and with swastikas.
Nazi catalogs
Illustrated Third Reich catalogs for tools,
sanitary fixtures and antler lamps and clocks.
Otto Horcher
Original items directly connected to Otto Horcher,
proprietor of the most famous Nazi restaurant in Berlin.